Sunday, January 18, 2015

…But I will

The Beatles have been the subject(s) of many books over the last five decades. Some are fantastic sources of information and insight while others are nothing but lame cash grabs. My goal with this blog is to weed out the bad and highlight the good by reviewing as many of those books as possible; a tall order, to be sure, but one I think necessary. 

For each book I will attempt to answer, “Is it worth your time?” Of course that question leads to many others, but the main two that will likely tip the scales in or out of a book’s favor and come up the most frequently will be: a) “how accurate is it?” and b) “who is it for?” Is it sleazy, gossipy dreck? Is it for newbies? Do you like poetry or prefer nonfiction? Etc. Because even if you’re a big Beatles fan not every book connected to them will necessarily interest you. You might not care about Paul McCartney’s poetry, Ringo Starr’s children’s book, an analysis of Beatle gear, or (if you’re a veteran fan) a book that covers just the major plot points of the Beatles’ story. 

I’ve also considered the possibility of occasionally including some of the different films that have been made on the Beatles, such as Backbeat or Two Of Us. I’ll be honest, though, films that fictionalize the Beatles don’t tend to bother me nearly as much as books that do so. I suppose part of that is that a book can require more time be devoted to them and potentially be a bigger waste than a silly TV movie. (Plus, admittedly, I dig some of them more than I probably should.) I could be alone in that thinking, but there we are. I'm not opposed to it, but we'll see what happens.